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Irrigation Regulations


Updated: Mar 6, 2024

Village Irrigation Regulations

I.  As required by Sections 101-3(A), and 101-3(B), and 103-41(A) of the Village Code, all Irrigation Systems shall conform to the following Village Irrigation Regulations.

II. For purposes of the Village Irrigation Regulations, the following terms, phrases, words, and their derivations shall have the meanings herein:

Existing Irrigation System

An Irrigation System that was installed before the enactment of Local Law10 of 2021 and that is operating without a permit, whether automatic or manually operated.

Irrigation Contractor

 Any Person, other than the owner of a single-family dwelling, or an employee of the owner of a single-family dwelling, who performs Irrigation Work.

Irrigation Schedule

The permitted operating days and times of Irrigation Systems in the Village.

Irrigation System

An underground, above ground, or grade-level system, whether automatic or manually operated that allows or provides a means to apply controlled amounts of Water to land for irrigation.

Irrigation System Operator (ISO)

The person who has access to an Owner's SIC and other Irrigation System components and who shall be responsible for its programming, operation, installation, or maintenance. In the absence of an ISO appointed by the Owner, the owner shall be the ISO for the Owner's property.

Irrigation Work

The design, installation, operation, repair, or maintenance of an Irrigation System in the Village.

Irrigation Work License

A license issued by the Village to perform Irrigation Work in the Village.

New Irrigation System

An Irrigation System that was installed after the enactment of Local Law 10 of 2021.


The record owner of real property in the Village.


Any person, agent, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, or entity responsible to install, repair, maintain, or operate an Irrigation System, including an owner.

 Smart Irrigation Controller (“SIC”)

EPA-certified "WaterSense," weather-based, Village-approved automatic lawn irrigation controller.

Smart Metering

The method by which the Village monitors the usage of Water via remote reporting meters.


The Incorporated Village of Sands Point, including its duly authorized representative or appropriate administrative official.

Village Board

The Board of Trustees of the Village.

Village Irrigation Regulations

The technical and operational requirements for any Existing Irrigation System or New Irrigation System, to be maintained, installed, or operated in the Village, as published on the Village's website, or as directed by information on the Village's website.


Water, as used in this chapter, means water drawn from the Village's water supply system, including water provided through intermunicipal connection systems, and water that is drawn from an owner's on-premises well that is used for the purposes of irrigation.

III.   Existing Irrigation Systems

The Owner or ISO of an Existing Irrigation System shall submit an application to the Village to maintain its Existing Irrigation System.  The application shall include:

  1. A statement informing the Village whether or not a SIC has been installed on the Existing Irrigation System.  

  2. If a SIC has been installed, the SIC shall: (1) be programmed to, and operate in conformity with, the Irrigation Schedule; (2) be connected via internet to access local weather data; (3) have the ability to skip or adjust irrigation cycles based on local weather conditions; (4) is capable of being programmed remotely by the Owner, ISO, or Water user; and (5) can be turned off by the Owner, ISO, or Water user to comply with emergency restrictions as may be promulgated by the Village from time to time.

  3. All existing Irrigation Systems shall operate only in accordance with the Irrigation Schedule.

  4. Permitted hours for all other sprinkling, including, but not limited to, manual sprinkling with garden hoses, shall be established by the Village at the beginning of each lawn sprinkling season, and will be available by contacting Sands Point Water Department at 516-883-3491.

IV.    New Irrigation Systems

As required by Section 101-3(B) of the Village Code, any New Irrigation System installed after the adoption of Local Law - of 2023, shall conform to the following Village Irrigation Regulations:

1. The Owner or ISO of the New Irrigation System shall submit an application for a permit to the Village’s Building Department for the New Irrigation System.   The application shall include:

a)     Two (2) printed copies of the site plan showing details of the layout of the Irrigation System, including all zones, designating individual zones by number, and showing each zone within a dashed-line enclosure in a printout size acceptable to the Village.  Additional copies will be provided in a digital format acceptable to the Village.

b)     A table showing the sprinkler heads and flow capacity for each zone including the manufacturer's catalog number for each head, and a copy of the manufacturer's catalog sheet showing the flow characteristics of each head.

c)     Sketches of the system zone valve pit and the backflow presenter pit.

d)     A statement informing the Village whether or not a SIC has been installed as part of the New Irrigation System.


2.     If a SIC has been installed as part of the New Irrigation System, the SIC shall: (1) be programmed to, and operate in conformity with, the Irrigation Schedule; (2) be connected via internet to access local weather data; (3) have the ability to skip or adjust irrigation cycles based on local weather conditions; (4) is cable of being programmed remotely by the Owner, ISO, or Water user; and (5) can be turned off by the Owner, ISO, or Water user to comply with emergency restrictions as may be promulgated by the Village from time to time.


3.     All New Irrigation Systems shall operate only in accordance with the Irrigation Schedule.


4.     The maximum size Water supply line to the New Irrigation System shall be limited to one inch in diameter.


5.     The maximum flow rate to any New Irrigation System shall not exceed 30 gallons per minute. The maximum number of zones permitted shall be eight.


6.     Each New Irrigation System shall be equipped with a curb stop shut off valve, water meter, and double check valve backflow preventer.


7.     All materials of the New Irrigation System shall meet the standards used or specified by the Village Water Department which are available by contacting the Superintendent of Public Works at 516-883-3491.


8.     The Water supply line to the New Irrigation System shall be metered separately from the other house fixtures and shall be used exclusively for the New Irrigation System.


9.     The Water meter shall be installed in a pit meeting the Village’s Water Department standard which is available by contacting the Superintendent of Public Works at 516-883-3491.


10.  The double check valve assembly shall be a unit approved by the New York State Department of Health and shall be installed in a separate pit.


11.  The source of Water supply for the New Irrigation System may be from a connection made directly to the Water main in the street, or from a connection made to the house service line at a point between the house meter and the main in the street.


12.  The Village assumes no responsibility for Water pressure on the premises when the supply to the New Irrigation System is connected to the house service line.


13.  Any form of temporary connection of the New Irrigation System to any part of the domestic Water supply is prohibited.


14.  No more than 12 irrigation zones shall be installed on a residential parcel.


15.  No more than 12 irrigation zones within an Irrigation System shall be installed on a residential parcel. The maximum number of irrigation zones within an Irrigation System on a residential parcel shall not exceed 12.

V.      Irrigation Schedule

As required by Section 101-5(C) of the Code, all Irrigation Systems shall operate only during the following Irrigation Schedule:

VI.   As required by Section 103-42 of the Village Code, all Irrigation Contractors shall provide proof of insurance to the Village that meets or exceeds the following:

Irrigation Contractors shall maintain at a minimum the following insurance coverages, giving evidence of same to the Village, on the form of Certificates of Insurance stating all work performed at any and all locations, copy of the Additional Insured Endorsement, providing 30 days’ notice of cancellation, non-renewal or material change.  New York State licensed carrier is preferred; any non-licensed carriers will be accepted at the Village’s discretion. The insurance carrier must have an A.M. Best Rating of at least A- IX.  The insurance coverage limits set forth in the Schedule below are minimum coverage requirements, not limitations of liability.  All subcontractors must adhere to the same insurance requirements.

 Certificate Holder should read:    

Incorporated Village of Sands Point

26 Tibbits Lane

Sands Point, NY 11050

Description Box to read:     

Incorporated Village of Sands Point, all elected and appointed officials, employees and volunteers are included as primary and non-contributory additional insureds per the General Liability including Contractual Liability and Products and Completed Operations, Automobile Liability and Excess Liability (if Excess Liability is applicable).  Waiver of Subrogation is included on the Workers Compensation and General Liability in favor of the Additional Insured.


               Coverage                                     Statutory

               Extensions                       Voluntary compensation

                                                All states coverage; Employers liability – unlimited

Waiver of Subrogation in favor of Incorporated Village of Sands Point

Required Form for Workers Comp:  C105.2 – certificate of NYS Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage

OR if you are insured with the State Insurance Fund, form SI-26.3 – State Insurance Fund Certificate of Workers Compensation Insurance

 Required Form for NYS Disability: DB120.1 – Certificate of Disability Benefits Insurance



              Coverage                            Occurrence – 1988 ISO or equivalent

               Limits                                 General Aggregate $2,000,000

                                                           Products-Comp/Ops Aggregate $1,000,000

                                                           Personal. & Advertising. Injury $1,000,000

                                                            Each Occurrence $1,000,000

                                                            Fire Legal (Any one Fire) $50,000

                                                           Medical Exp. (Any one Person) $5,000

Additional Insured:  Incorporated Village of Sands Point and all appointed and elected officials, employees and volunteers Using ISO form CG2026 or equivalent on a primary and non-contributory basis.

            Mandatory                 Contractual Liability to cover the Hold Harmless;

            Waiver of Subrogation in favor of all Additional Insureds


Coverage Standard New York policy insuring all owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles

  Limits Minimum Limit - $1,000,000 CSL

Additional Insured:  Incorporated Village of Sands Point and all appointed and elected officials, employees and volunteers on a primary and non-contributory basis.


Coverage:  Umbrella Form or Excess following form of primary General Liability and Automobile Liability

Suggested Limit:  $2,000,000

Additional Insured:  Incorporated Village of Sands Point and all appointed and elected officials, employees and volunteers


The applicant/contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold the Incorporated Village of Sands Point and all appointed and elected officials, employees and volunteers of the Incorporated Village of Sands Point harmless against any claim of liability or loss including the cost of defense for personal injury or property damage resulting from or arising directly or indirectly out of, or resulting from, the permit holder’s or Licensee’s operations within the Village, including losses arising out of the negligent acts or omissions of the Irrigation Contractor, its servants or agents, and any subcontractors, its servants or agents.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has duly executed this Agreement the                        day of                        ,           20_____.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

 Witness:                                               Applicant - Name of Firm - Irrigation Contractor

Signature:                                            Address:


Date:                                                     Irrigation Contractor’s Signature:


Print Name:                                        (Please Print Name and Title):



I.         Per the Workers Compensation Law, all municipal and State entities are to ensure that all applicants applying for permits, licenses, or contracts have appropriate workers compensation and disability benefits insurance coverage.  Businesses must provide evidence of proper coverage by using:

                        Workers Compensation:         C105.2 OR (State Insurance Fund Form) SI-26.3

                        NYS Disability:                           DB120.1

 II.       If the Irrigation Contractor does not maintain Workers Compensation and NYS Disability due to a valid exemption, the following form must be submitted to the Village:

CE-200 – Certificate of Attestation of Exemption from NYS Workers Compensation and/or Disability Benefits Insurance Coverage.

Starting December 1, 2008, ONLY Irrigation Contractors eligible for exemptions must file a new CE-200 for each and every new or renewed permit, license or contract issued by a government agency.  You can obtain this form from the Workers Compensation Boards’ website, or by calling (518) 486-6307.


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